
Category Archives: Wellness

Ahimsa: The Yoga Principle of Non-Harm and Its Application in Daily Life

Ahimsa, a fundamental principle in yogic philosophy, is a Sanskrit term that translates to “non-harm” [...]

The 8 Limbs of Yoga: A Comprehensive Guide to Holistic Wellness

Yoga isn’t just about striking a perfect pose or achieving incredible flexibility; it is a [...]

How to Find and Stick to a Healthy Eating Routine

Hello there, radiant friend! Have you ever caught your reflection and wished for a healthier, [...]

Becoming the Best Version of You: A Guide to Wellness and Fitness After 40

Hello, my beautiful friend! Let me start with a confession – I am not your [...]

Eat Everything You Want by Understanding Macronutrients

Hello, gorgeous! Today, we’re not just skimming the surface of health; we’re diving deep into [...]

A Busy Schedule is not an excuse for not being active

Hey there, gorgeous! Yes, you, staring at the screen, managing your ever-expanding list of tasks, [...]

Unleashing Your Inner Hotness: Embrace Your Power After 40

Hey beautiful! If you’re reading this, you’re on a quest for feeling fabulous, fierce, and [...]

The Magic Begins at 5 am: How I Rise and Shine and Absolutely Adore it

Hello there, my radiant friend! I have something to spill to you that you might [...]

Simple Ways to Jiggle, Juggle, and Just Generally Move More Throughout Your Day

Hey, gorgeous! It’s so wonderful to catch up with you again. Today, we’re going to [...]