Hi, I’m Luciana, the Healthy Lifestyle Coach you’ve been searching for (or perhaps stumbled upon by chance).

I’m a Certified Personal Trainer, Health Coach, and Yoga Instructor who specializes in helping women over 40 uncover the best times of their lives.

Being in my 40s myself, I’ve often been taken aback when I hear someone speak as if their golden years are behind them. This notion strikes me as false because I’m actually living my best life right now!

We all went through our growing phases in our 20s, conquered numerous challenges in our 30s, and now, we’re at this beautiful juncture in our lives where we finally have the confidence to express our true selves.

I am a strong advocate for continuous personal development, embracing a healthy lifestyle that nurtures both our bodies and minds.

Drawing on my values, certifications, and past experiences, I’ve designed the Luciana Wellness Method. This method is rooted in Yoga Philosophy to shift your mindset about health and fitness.

With me, you’ll achieve your best version by gaining consistency and discipline. You’ll also build the best relationship ever with both your body and mind.

This journey isn’t about sacrifices and abstention. Rather, it’s about understanding our unique personalities and leveraging that knowledge to gain the power to achieve whatever we desire.

On my blog, you’ll find inspiring content designed to guide you towards a healthy and happy lifestyle. If you stick around, you’ll quickly realize that this lifestyle is more accessible than you might think!